When some people think about financial advisers, they may imagine a glamorous world of fast cars, flashy suits and high-pressure trading. Surely, creating wealth for people is exciting and glamourous? Well, it may surprise you to know, that in reality, we financial advisers are a pretty dull bunch. Read more
From July 1st, an SMSF can now have up to 6 members. Allowing a couple can have up to 4 of their children as members. But is this actually a good idea? Read more
Published on Financial Standard Elston has welcomed a new head of philanthropic services, bringing 20 years' experience in similar roles. Susan Chenoweth has taken the role at Elston, joining from Australian Philanthropic Services where she served as head of the APS Foundation. Read more
For many charities and NFP organisations, managing cash reserves can be a real puzzle. How do you invest wisely so that services can be delivered sustainably in the future, while also making sure there’s enough cash available for current needs? Read more
Self-managed super funds are very popular. Especially for people who want to have greater control and transparency. But not every SMSF works to its full potential. To help you make the most of your SMSF, here are 5 things you really need to think about to avoid your fund turning into a flop. Read more
Businesses can be hard work. Families can be difficult. And when you put those two dynamics together, the challenges everyone faces can be quite unique. Especially if you’re a woman. Read more
Although inflation has been low over recent years, the first predetermined increase in super thresholds will kick in automatically on July 1 this year. Read more
Will the next generation be saddled with a massive global debt to pay back? Or will Governments be able to take advantage of low interest rates and plan a way out of the red in the years ahead? Read more