With a significant blow to fundraising revenue during the COVID crisis and a simultaneous shift in the way government funding is being provided, charities and not-for-profit organisations have found themselves at a financial crossroads. Read more
With over half a million Australians making use of the governments early release of superannuation scheme, there may be some unintended consequence they haven’t considered. Sunitha Williams shares her thoughts with Ausbiz. Read more
A level of life insurance and total and permanent disablement cover, and in some cases income protection, was often automatically provided when people joined a super fund. Recent legislative changes are designed to change that. Read more
What seems to be emerging is a sense that some modes of thinking that served humans well in prehistoric times can be counterproductive in today’s financial jungle, particularly in times of market correction. Can these biases be overcome? Read more
This year has thrown grey clouds over a lot of well planned futures. But if you peer through the gloom and focus on what’s possible, it soon becomes clear that there may be some opportunities out there. Read more
I’m a bit sick of COVID 19 controlling my life at the moment. I know it’s important. I can keep my distance. I can stay out of the office and hunker down in my tiny Sydney apartment. I can live the lockdown life. It’s for the common good, so sure, count me in. I’m just not loving the feeling that someone else is in control of my life. Read more
While everyone is looking for answers to one of the biggest crises the world has ever seen, the Australian Government is turning to ancillary funds. Read more
On a recent Ausbiz interview, Sunitha Williams from Elston Sydney looked at the potential benefits of switching from a pooled retail fund to a self managed super fund that could offer greater transparency and control. Read more
There’s not much that dampens the spirit of Jessie Hinds’ CFP®. Although, like the rest of the nation, she might be in self-isolation waiting out the COVID-19 coronavirus, she remains excited about the future of advice. Read more