Brambles (BXB): delivering the goods

The stock in focus this month is Brambles (BXB). At recent presentations, Portfolio Managers have touched on the theme of disruption, looking at the possibility that in some areas larger incumbents may have advantages that are underestimated, and that the ability for new players to take significant market share may be somewhat overestimated. Read more

Life insurance and income protection for the self-employed

There are over two million self-employed Australians in the workforce today. There’s no doubt that running your own business can be rewarding, but without the safety nets and security offered by larger corporations, it’s important to consider financial protection as part of essential business planning. Read more

Engaging with the next generation

To encourage engagement with the next generation, Elston places a strong focus on client experience. Read more

Brett Ulrick announced as Goals-Based Adviser of the Year

By placing clients at the centre of his business model, Brett Ulrick has ensured his services is personally tailored to achieve and exceed client goals. Read more

Financial Award Winner Advises Keeping An Eye On Your Super

Financial award winner advises keeping an eye on your super

Brett Ulrick named the 'Goals Based Adviser of the Year' Award at the ifa Excellence Awards 2018 In September Read more

TPG Telecom - Game of Phones

TPG Telecom - Game of Phones

The stock in focus this month is TPG Telecom (TPM). The roll-out of the NBN has meant that the traditional dominant player in the market, Telstra, is under more pressure, as it needs to evolve its offering in the face of increasing competition - 5G is coming. Read more

operating leverage

Why operating leverage matters

While positive on the global growth outlook, given financial and political challenges coupled with valuations at the upper end of historic trading ranges, investors should take the time to understand the cost structures of the companies they own. Read more

Do you have FOMO on tax deductions?

Do you have FOMO on tax deductions?

Most people are familiar with typical work-related tax deductions, but do you know that some insurance premiums can be claimed as well? Read more

outliving retirement saving