The true value of good wealth protection advice is realised when you make a successful claim on an insurance policy. Ultimately, the sole purpose of having an insurance policy is receiving a successful payout, when you need it most. Read more
The recent announcement from the Labor Party that it plans to abolish the refunding of franking credits has caused much concern amongst Elston clients. This measure, aimed squarely at self funded retirees, is the latest in a string of attacks retirees have had to cope with. Read more
Savings remain the most efficient and stress-free way to buy financial security. Save smart now. Buy smart later. It’s much easier than you think. Read more
Put aside the large sums that are bandied about in the media and take a realistic look at the cost of educating your child. More importantly, how you can plan for it and invest wisely. With some professional advice and guidance, you can afford it.
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In a low rate environment, the income or cash flow that an investment provides is important, particularly if you rely on this income to fund your living expenses. Read more
There is no denying that income is important. But equally important is ensuring that your income is not disrupted, so you have the means to cover your day-to-day expenses and other financial obligations. Read more
All businesses need a succession plan. It is one of the most important steps you can take to protect your business. A succession plan avoids future conflict and can facilitate changes, expected or unexpected, to the structure of the business, such as a departing partner. Read more