Published on Livewire
Fresh from the release of Santos’ full-year results, Elston Portfolio Manage Bruce Williams, chatted to Livewire about his thoughts on the outcome. Read more
Recent times has had everyone thinking about what’s important in life. It also got some people wondering if they needed to shop around for a financial adviser who could help them to invest for the future. Read more
If you’re happy to live out your retirement years with just enough to get by, a Government pension might be sufficient to meet your needs. But if you want to stay active, keep travelling and enjoying the good life, the annual income your investments will need to generate steps up significantly. Read more
They can be easier to break than make, but these financial New Year’s resolutions are simple and achievable with the ability to put you on a better financial path in 2023. Read more
It probably comes as no surprise that good health is a good thing when it comes to life insurance premiums. Obviously, you can’t do much about your medical history, but there are some factors that impact your premiums that you can control. Read more
What people think a financial adviser does, and what they really do, are often two very different things. At Elston we call this the adviceberg effect. At the tip of the adviceberg, people might see just one aspect of our work, e.g. investments. But below the surface, there’s so much more. Read more
Virtually all of your life is online. So maybe you should be thinking about your afterlife. What’s going to happen to your Facebook footprint after you’re gone? And what about Youtube and Netflix and Linkedin? Read more