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The Big Picture

How ESG issues frame our view

A holistic approach

For Elston, ESG integration is about taking a holistic approach. We insist on getting a more complete picture before we make an investment decision. We always look beyond the numbers and analyse each company within a strict environmental, social and governance (ESG) framework.

A better future

A better future

We believe in a better future for our people, for our clients and for the communities where we live. We are committed to maintaining our social license and employing stakeholder thinking to ensure Elston remains a good corporate citizen.

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Review our policies

Review our policies

To review any of our policy documents in detail, simply click one of the links below.

Voting Policy 2023

Sustainable Investment Policy 2023

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Part of our process

Part of our process

Our investment approach is designed to provide certainty for investors and consistency of results over the long term. The analysis of ethical, social, and governance issues is integrated into that process. Varying perspectives on ESG issues from different members of the team are not only welcomed but actively encouraged.

Inspired by PRI Principles

Inspired by PRI Principles

Elston’s journey is inspired by PRI. PRI is the world’s leading proponent of responsible investment. PRI’s aim is to bring responsible investors together to work towards sustainable markets that contribute to a more prosperous world for all. They encourage investors to use responsible investment to enhance returns and better manage risks.

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Preserving balance

Preserving balance

Elston does not apply positive or negative screens to its investment universe. An integrated approach means identifying material ESG risks and opportunities. We are aware of the dangers of reducing exposures to a particular sector as well as the potential removal of diversification benefits that can result from applying screens.

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Tailored screening

Tailored screening

Advisers are able to discuss the various applications of ESG that can be tailored to individual preferences and show what’s possible. If an investor has a non-negotiable stance on something like power generation, then advisers can work with them to create a solution that meets their objective.

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