When it comes to growing wealth it’s worthwhile considering all your options for investments. It’s not just the investment portfolio that is important. So is finding the best investment structure for your individual circumstances or preferences. Remembering that in Australia, our investment structures have a direct effect on individual’s taxation.

Managed Accounts. So hot right now

Managed Accounts are a great investment structure option for investors and advisers. Their ability to maximise wealth growth through customised solutions can be an attractive solution. They can deliver asset transparency with a focus on after-tax returns given their ability to provide clients beneficial ownership of underlying assets. And if you don’t have the time or expertise to manage your wealth directly, managed accounts provide a great way to grow and preserve your investments in collaboration with a financial adviser.

Benefits of an Individually Managed Account

There are benefits to choosing a direct ownership structure over a unitised approach to how your investments are managed. The transparency is appealing. You have the peace of mind of knowing where your money is at any given time.

Individually Managed Accounts can be structured to meet your personal objectives and unique circumstances with a degree of flexibility and level of involvement.

differences between individually managed accounts and separately managed accounts

Elston’s Individually Managed Accounts are professionally managed by an experienced asset management team with a clear investment philosophy operating transparently, tax-efficiently and focussed on long-term results.

You should expect nothing less from your IMA advisers.

Handy to know

  • You can specify particular objectives (capital growth, risk aversion, income tilts)
  • Your tax position is based on your real purchases and sales, unaffected by the actions of other investors – there is no embedded tax liability as part of the IMA structure
  • Transferral of direct holdings are not considered a tax event and your accounts are managed on an after-tax basis for enhanced returns
  • Increased contact with investment managers, allowing your adviser to create a personalised portfolio which combines strategic advice with investment management to deliver enhances after tax returns

Why they appeal to us

There is a growing demand for customised financial solutions and Individually Managed Accounts certainly offer that.

A good financial adviser will recognise the significant opportunities IMAs give them to diversify your portfolio to meet your investment outcomes, while allowing you to enjoy the experience of growing wealth without the hassle of managing the portfolio yourself.

Our commitment is to deliver the highest quality of financial advice and investment management to help you grow and maintain your investments in an efficient, outcome-focussed manner.

Ready to consider an Individually Managed Account?

Before you proceed, be sure to get more information and have a confidential discussion with your nearest Elston Adviser. This will tell us if and in what way an Individually Managed Account investment could benefit your portfolio.

Call us on 1300 ELSTON.

Read more about Elston’s Individually Managed Accounts